The Awesome Secret of
Counting the Omer to
What is all this business about counting the wave sheaf offering, and counting the days to Pentecost?
Most churches are thoroughly confused on this issue, and
totally miss the point of this COMMANDMENT of God!
What is the truth? What is the hidden mystery of the omer?
What is an omer anyway, and why should we be concerned
about it? Here is vital new truth which is a KEY to spiritual
overcoming and enduring to the end!
William F. Dankenbring
One of the most potent and powerful keys to being an overcomer and enduring to the end is overlooked by the majority of Christians
because of rejection of the Old Testament and rejection of the Laws of God in favor of pagan superstitions. Most churches
forget that Jesus
said that man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceeds out of the
mouth of God, which is the Bible (Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4). Jesus said the scripture cannot be broken
(John 10:35). Paul said all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine,
instruction, reproof, correction that the man of God may become perfect thoroughly furnished
unto good works (II Timothy 3:16-17).
One of these overlooked commands of God is to count 50 days (7 complete weeks) for
yourselves, starting on the second day of Passover; the day the wave sheaf is brought to the
priest for the Omer offering on Nisan 16.
Churches are even confused over what day this count
should begin, are ignorant of its true spiritual meaning, and fail to observe it at all! You Shall COUNT . . .
God declares, You shall then COUNT seven complete weeks after the day following the
Passover holiday when you brought the Omer as a wave offering; (Lev.23:15).
According to Jewish understanding, Sefirat Ha Omer counting the Omer refers to
the forty-nine days from the second day of the Passover festival, and recounts the journey of the
Israelites from Egypt, through the desert wastes, to the revelation of God at Mount Sinai, when
the Commandments of God were set forth from heaven, and God made a Covenant with His
people Israel, and married His bride.
This step-by-step journey through the wilderness was a time of trial and testing. God
revealed to His people the Sabbath day (Exo.16), and satisfied their hunger with manna from heaven. When they complained of
thirst, He caused water to spring forth. When the Amalekites
attacked, He intervened for them and helped them fight off the vicious hordes (known as the
Hyksos in Egyptian history).
Each day the Israelites are commanded to count the Omer, as they experienced their journey from captivity (Egypt) to freedom
Notice that there are actually TWO commands in counting the Omer! First, we are
commanded to count off the weeks, week by week. Then we are commanded to count off the
DAYS, till we come to fifty the fiftieth day being Pentecost!