When should Pentecost be observed? How should the date
be counted? Should we follow the Sadducee reckoning? Or
that of the Pharisees? Or a different method altogether? Does it really matter how we count it or what day we observe, so
long as we are sincere? What does God’s Word say on this
subject? Discover the TRUTH in this article – so you can
KNOW the answer, and KNOW that you know!
William F. Dankenbring
For many years I have been thundering the message that the end-time churches of
God are committing an egregious sin, and breaking God’s LAW – by the way they count
“Pentecost”! Few have been willing to listen, or to search the Scriptures, and to PROVE
this issue, one way or the other. Some have gone so far as to accuse me of being a “false
prophet” and admonished people to have nothing to do with me or this ministry!
Yet proof? They don’t bother. They just hurl names and accusations. But as the old saying goes, “Sticks and stones
may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!”
Once in a while, however, I discover someone who is really willing to search out the Scriptures, and history, and to study
into these issues with an open, sincere mind.
It makes me so thrilled and happy to see people that stand up and do their own research.
They take my challenge, look things
up, they prove all things, they will go to
the library and they will read and study for the glory of God. Solomon wrote, “It is the
glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter” – to
investigate and research it (Prov.25:2).
Let’s search out this matter, and find the truth!
I was praising and thanking God one morning as I was reviewing some literature
on Pentecost which I have written over the past 20 years. My heart leaped, and I praised
Him for revealing this truth and knowledge to me. I prayed, “Thank you, O Lord, my God, for this tremendous blessing.
I just love to study your word and see the truth. How
pleasant, remarkable and wonderful it is to see discoveries out of your law (Torah).”
No where in God’s word does it say we should assume anything, or take anything for granted.
Take nothing for granted,
nor what any man or church organization says for
granted. Remember Christ said we are to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God – that is scripture
(Matt.4:4; Luke 4:4).